Scholarships, Financial Support
Types of Scholarships
Basic Support (Student Welfare Comittee)
The support format can only be applied for by students attending state-supported, full-time BA, MA, and undivided courses for the first semester, who fall into one of the categories. Support can only be applied for once per course in the first semester of that course, and payment is made in one lump sum. The application must be completed online, and the necessary documents must be submitted in person or by post to the Student Union office. Every applicant applying for this form of support must present the original copy of each document, but we do not accept original copies. According to Hungarian law, translations must also be provided for all foreign language certificates. The application will be rejected if it contains inaccurate information and/or if the required documents are missing or inadequate. After the announcement of the results by the Student Welfare Committee, there is an opportunity to appeal to the application manager within 8 working days. Those applying for regular social support do not need to submit documents in duplicate!
Sports Support (HÖK)
Processing of the next subscription for sports support is underway.
Scholarship for Studies (HÖK)
The study scholarship is a benefit provided for one semester of study, available to students enrolled in state-sponsored undergraduate, graduate, or undivided programs. A student is eligible for a study scholarship if they have fulfilled their course enrollment obligations on time and successfully completed at least sixty percent of the recommended credit load in the previous completed semester. In a semester when a student receives basic support, they are not eligible for a study scholarship. Students are not eligible for a study scholarship in semesters beyond their study period, nor if they fail to complete at least 18 credits in the preceding semester. A student at the University may apply for a study scholarship based on application even if they are concurrently enrolled at another higher education institution. Up to 50% of full-time students participating in the program are eligible for this benefit, with students achieving study averages determined by the Student Union’s presidency and posted on the Student Union’s website by subject group. The monthly amount of the study scholarship must reach five percent of the student norm. The amount of the study scholarship is determined based on the corrected credit index of the previous completed semester. The Student Union’s presidency calculates and submits the amount of the scholarship to the University’s economic unit. It must be ensured during the scholarship determination process that results achieved based on the same or similar study obligations are comparable, and thus, the scholarships determined are of equal value.
As many of you have surely experienced, there are many diligent students at our university, so the number of those with outstanding performance is also high. Of course, we are very happy about this and encourage you to continue! However, this trend in recent years has resulted in the fragmentation of scholarships. So much so that it’s almost irrelevant now, even if one strives for excellence. To address this, we have come up with a system where not only the average grade matters but also the number of subjects completed and the credits earned. In simple terms: those who excel in more subjects will have a higher average grade than those who don’t. Based on this, more students will be eligible for scholarships, those who have achieved excellent results in many subjects earning 1-2 grades of 4, than those who have achieved a grade of 5 with the minimum number of credits. This method has already been adopted by other higher education institutions.
If you are curious about your average during the semester, we have provided assistance for this, as the KKI average has become available in Neptun under Studies -> Study Averages -> current semester by clicking on the + sign.
Don’t worry, with this method, surpassing 5.0 will be easy, it will be completely average. The question is, by how much? Feel free to contact us with any questions related to this (and anything else)!
Important: The disbursement of scholarships begins in October and March, with a one-month delay compared to the academic semesters; this is necessary due to the presence of the official financial semester. The disbursement months last from October until February and fromMarchuntil June + September.
Graduating students who are in the final semester receive double the scholarship (also regular social support) in their final month.
Social-Based Forms of Support (Student Welfare Comittee)
Regular Social Support
One-time Social Support
Course and Competition Support
Application for Support for Foreign Studies (EEA countries)